fun in the bedroom

If You Have a Bedroom Mishap - Laugh

Whilst we try to ensure that we treat ourselves and our partners with respect during those intimate moments, sometimes the vision in your head doesn't always play out in real life, and that's fine.

The build-up to intimacy can take its toll in many ways on different people, some people get nervous, some shy, some shaky and some get the giggles. Things go wrong, a slip here, a rechargeable that I forgot to charge up last night (sorry) or a condom wrapper that seems to be made out of titanium and no matter how strong you are you just can't rip it open.

If you have something like this happen to you, if you are by yourself just take a second and smile, if you're with someone have a snuggle and giggle. Trust me I know, we all put ourselves under so much pressure at times throughout our lives that we don't need another time that should be fun being turned into a negative thought. 

Intimacy and laughter go hand in hand, if you are comfortable enough in an intimate situation to have a laugh at yourself then you are in a good place. If you are nervous about laughing maybe try playing strip jokester, it is like poker but you each come prepared with 10 jokes and take turns in telling them, if your joke makes the other person laugh then they remove an item of clothing. 

Whatever you do, be comfortable, respectful and safe but most of all, have fun doing it.

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